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R. David Herndon

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About Publishing Costs

Current News!© is the work of several "friends" on a monthly basis. Some material is original content developed by pure journalism skills. Photographs and images are either original or provided by others and may be copyrighted.

Material that is already on the Internet is used under the "fair use" provisions associated with copyright laws and is considered intellectual property.

An enormous amount of time is concentrated over the "weeks before publication" on the first of the month. Current News!© is presently assembled and published without a paid staff.

We use:

When you visit our "advertisers" - we receive some form of payment, called "pay-for-click" sponsorship of publishers like: Current News!© so that the newsletter may remain FREE to read.

Donations, in any amount, are very much appreciated to assist with the hours and hours of content that is assembled. Generally, it takes up to 100 of more hours per EDITION. At $15 hourly, we invest $1,500 of billable time.

In the real world: writers, photographers, reporters, journalists and editors make up to $60,000 yearly -- AND more.

When you think we've done something "special" or that we have saved you time; kindly consider a donation or "tip" by clicking the PayPal donation LINK.

PayPal is safe and secure worldwide.

Thank you!

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